Om Puri and Paresh Rawal starrer "Road To Sangam'' won the award for "P7 Audience Choice Award" at recently concluded 11th MAMI Film Festival. The award was presented by Jyoti Narayan of P7 Channel to Amit Rai, the writer-director of the film. The award also comprises of the prize money of Rs.10,00,000. The film had won an award of First Time Director at South Africa Film Festival and also the Best Feature Film award at Radar Hamberg International Film Festival, Germany. The film is produced under the banner of Shethia Audio Video P. Ltd and it is presented by Shashikant Chheda and produced by Amit Chheda. The cast of the film includes Javed Shaikh, Swati Chitnis, Pawan Malhotra, Yusuf Hussain, G P Singh, Rajan Bhise, Sudhir Nema, Rakesh Srivastava, Masood Akhtar, Vijay Mishra and Tushar Gandhi. Going over the other major credits of the film - the lyrics are by late Allama Iqbal and Sudhir Nema and the music is by Sandesh Shanilya, Vijay Mishra and Nitin-Prem. While the cinematography is by Dharam Gulati, editing is by Suvir Nath. The art is by Narendra Bhagat, choreography by Pradeep Kalekar and action by Harish Shetty. Sunil Sharma and Sameer Shah are the executive producers.
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