Bommarillu hero Siddarth nowadays seen moving with bikini babe Shruthi Hassan in late night parties and in pubs. Recently, media catch them together enjoying at a late night party. They were seen sitting far away from the bustling crowds, and sharing jolly moments together. When, a media person noticed them and tries to catch in his camera, Siddarth came hurriedly and objected him from taking their photo.
Earlier, Siddarth had affair with a Bollywood actress. But, abruptly it came to an end leaving him in distress for a long period. However, somehow he overcome his tragic past and established himself in southern circuit as a successful hero. It is learnt that soon these young couple are pairing for a Telugu film also. Hope, they together make a sweet home like Bommarillu in future, and he would be a good-son-in-law for Kamal Hassan
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